A Traveller

I move through the wide plains Around narrow hills even Down a mountain and Sometimes through a valley. Skipping through forests or Gliding along desert winds They call me the wanderer A traveller without an ally.

Hour 16

Almost Sleeping Head feels heavy eyes all but closed I yawn trying to keep myself awake Just a few more hours And then I can sleep all day

My cat is acting crazy pulling out all his hair. He keeps biting and scratching at something, except I can’t find anything there. He seems to be trying to catch something – something tiny that he sees. He’s twitching and itching . . . and,…

Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy

All I want, more than anything in the universe, is to be a mother, have friends, and settle down. Hard to do when you’re an emerald-tinted badass with a reputation for assassination and being proud.   Not to mention being the last of my species, to…

Poem 16

Taking the wrong turn; Ignoring signs take care not to go mindless – falls happen like that.

Who Am I

Who am I, but a convict? Serving out my time I have a sentence I do not deserve It was bread I took to save a life. When I am finally given release Even though a convict I’ll stay I steal a Father’s silver I’m…

Prompt 13

The population diminished rapidly For babies could only be created by pure, unconditional love A love one could not be taught. Or tricked into. Or manipulated by. A love that was more than a fuck. A love, like a long lost language that nobody quite…

The Hole in Pan’s Wing (Hour 16)

In a world that waits for the next grand adventure, I fly by the free spirit of my heart, never to age, never to compromise my morals in sake of stability, fortune, or gain. I live to chase the sun, and laugh throughout the night….

The Trouble with Tuffets

I did not, repeat did not, Sit on a tuffet. I sat on a bench. A bench, I tell you.   And this nonsense about curds and whey? Have you ever tasted curds? They may as well call it “squeaky cheese”— It is not good….

“I Love You, Misa.” (2017)

Inspired by Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama! I’m right in front of you I know that you know Yet somehow I’m still fighting To be seen I love you, I’ve told you so Yet still you find it hard to believe I’m just an annoyance, a burden…