Musings of a Fangirl (2017)

I joined the hunt. I traversed time and space. I solved crimes and I avenged the earth. I dreamed a dream. I saw history made on ice. I searched for lost memories and joined a wizard’s guild. I saw citizens fail their city. I have…

Walk and Fit

Heavy set, shes out of breath Inactive years, Her mind is set. Walk, walk, walk Shell burn it off Her mind may fog From years she stalled. Obese they write Shes wants no more. It may take years But shell be fit.

Tap Dancing

I love re-telling ancient myths in modern settings. I’ve done a couple before and have one in mind to re-tell the story of Eros and Psyche, with Psyche being blind rather than blindfolded. I struggle to think of how to re-set that one though, so…

Thank you NSP- 15

Long ago in Ancient Persia lived a most ferocious beast. With shark-like razor teeth which on men’s flesh would feast. Great wings did stretch, twenty feet from end to end With lion’s mane and claws, it would your body rend. Beyond that, what remained was…

Prompt fifteen

Some may say fire was invented by man. But everything was now wasn’t it. What you know has been told by tongues you understand. To resonate deep inside. But what if I told you the true story of fire. When the dinosaur roamed and the…

Hour 15–Volcanic

Beach mat on lava rock spit and cindered at ten thousand feet I lay on my back took in the night dwelt among meteors in complete silence listened for celestial music and heard it in my brain buzzing for oxygen  


Yes, i a  Superwoman, married with children. i always wear a smile on my face to greet my day and you never hear me complaining. My bosom are big and so comfy to lean on. The softness can absorb all the emotional pain my family shared….


Hail the name of Ganesha Oh, wonderful and powerful Ganesha With a elephant’s head Given after yours was cut off By Shiva, petulant Shiva Hail the name of Ganesha, Oh, wonderful and powerful Ganesha Made of earth and shaped by his own mother Easily holds…

Slave Superstitions

Jump rope twirling Ponytails whirling Jumping singing Voices ringing Step on a crack, break your mother’s back   Black as taboo Down in the bayou Worse than voodoo Hear when they say to you Step on a crack, break your mother’s back   Teardrops no…

The Boys Are Back

We don’t create legends. We are them. When we converge, there’s nothing we can’t do. As soon as they see us coming, their trepidations cease, Knowing that we’re prepared for anything and ready to Do whatever it takes to protect our own.