
8/5/17 8:26pm Goddess Sweet Gaia Rustling through effervescent decades She is the spiraling serpent that plucked the apple from the tree She is the root of the tree. She is Persephone Licking pomegranate seeds, her fruit of the dead. She is unafraid of the dead,…

Marikina Myth

A beautiful name Marina totally involved with an adorable man named Kanor She blossoms in regality which many suitors truly intrigued her the most in her heart Undeniably circumstances assimilate and truly embarking their adventure Still life primordial elements  overflowing rivers in hedge of encounters…

Ancient Myths

Studying the synchronicity Reading a lot of lore   I came to believe in mystical beings Goddesses and unicorns, of yore   Colors, rocks and many a thing All different in their meaning Symbolism galore   Yes, I read the ancient runes and tarot Own a…

Adventure Time

Through the soft wind She rode her bike With the speed of light Or what she would like to think Sparkling eyes tell of hopeful thoughts Maybe, maybe today she can finally find it Reaching her destination She alights the vehicle gracefully Or what she…

it is not a sin to wear pants

it is not a sin to wear pants Mulan, St. Joan of Arc, Marinus, Pope Joan, Anne Bonny it is not a sin to wear pants to disguise yourself as a man to do the things peculiarly reserved for men, it is not a sin…

15 – serpant –

it roamed the earth searching for a dream, its tongue flickered deep into the soil flicking it into piles, growing hills, its body swam through the land leaving crevices and gullies, to be filled with the endless tears cried by the night. its lost scales…

The Unicorn

A symbol of purity and grace A noble legend was born I speak of none other Than the graceful unicorn. He had a coat so snowy white And a preference for maidens fair The brave would thus assemble Only if they dared. With nets flung…

Toes & Fingers #7

Toes & Fingers Aging appendages becoming Independent leaning in All sorts of directions   Flexing the right foot Is a knobby enterprise With casual cracking   Amusing though painful Joints are becoming round As youth disappears

Old Air # 6

Old Air Painted shut for decades The old farmhouse windows Hold wavy glass perhaps One hundred years old   Remaining closed in spring The bedroom stuffs up With air that has been Sitting since winter   Fans are placed to keep The idea of fresh…

Golden Shovel Acrostic – Celestial Love

  Rise up lovers. Take not one another’s hands but your love’s. Only then will you find the happiness you seek in your hearts.  A man must know the passion of being a spouse, a parent, and a lover on equal terms that their lovers…