hour 13: Earth Replaced

I woke up with a nervous start, Or was it an end? It tripped my heart! The earth we knew had been replace. Or, where we lived had been erased. Two suns were shining in the sky. Five moons were circling, way up high. It…


a quiet confidence growing along with her stature like a graceful colt she is coming into her own i’m scared for her excited anxious on the brink of turning twelve it’s a bridge to fall off or leap from i think she will cross it…


He is an angel! His music is relaxing. He plays like no one I have ever heard before.

Pole Shift

  Here’s what happens when the poles shift Negative and positive recombine Magnetism reverses As it does pretty regular in geologic time, Which didn’t mean much to us last go. But oh, the wailing on the wind this time! You might be able to use…

Hour 13–Prognostication

If cats were on leashes and chased after dogs If doggies roamed freely and chased after hogs and mice had a heyday, had no enemies then they’d have babies and rabies and live where we’d been they’d take over houses and condos and schools and…


Salutations and Attention! Attention wondrous citizens of the world! This is a public service announcement administered by the VVVVU corporation. Commencing at the end of this prestigious declaration any and all works of art, forms of expression, or attempts to satisfy any artistic proclivity will…

The Lights Go Out

Sunlight decreases energy gone No one can say why this is so The light shall go as will we When plants die so will we Animals to die Cold Earth Dead


Unbeknownst to most, Save for only a few, The laws of science are put to a vote And the laws are then renewed Last time, Pluto’s fate was sealed The system now a skewed. This time, we have a new conflict Between gravity and magnetic…