
Jonah took the easy route, running from the world straight into a sperm whale. Swallow me whole, take my body as brine, flesh shifting, turning into soda bread. Or chew me like a gummy worm– I’m empty and sweet. I’ll love you like I loved…

13 – natural selection –

I am hungry, cold, weak, I seek shelter from the heat of the day, a small stream refreshes my senses, quenches my thirst gives me a chance at one more day my swollen belly contains the future, my line, my hope, I choose this place…


Nothing was born again today. And, again, nothing died. Is this heaven? I’m not so sure. Flowers clipped just re-appear. Nothing ever moves, But me On free energy. How long have I been? And, how long will I go? I forgot the day I last…

Prompt thirteen

I sat with the moon by my side Hanging words on stars We sang songs to the sun In laughter unbound Although the sun hid his swoon He lets us feel his warm glow The moon stayed close enough to touch Close enough to whisper…

July 28, 2016

On my third cup of tea, I learned your hair is red like mine in sunlight, that your nose turns upward. Slightly. That your mouth curls like ribbon when I smile. Brown was always just brown until I loved your brown eyes and the way…

Deep Blue

I could hear the early morning waves, crashing along the harbour bay. As I awoke I could hear them say, ‘Is she Ok?’ She was stranded on land, away from her clan, who lived under the sea. She didn’t know how to say, she needed…


As with the problem of society, its coherence, is what history should consist of. These events have taught us the surprise of the rationality we may later detect. Manifestation hidden. In processes, the problem becomes more than conception. It adds up into an already given,…

Sad, but not Blue

What if the color blue never existed? What then would we do? The sky would no longer be what we know We’d lose beautiful bluebirds too. The oceans would turn to grey Rainbows would break apart What if blue never existed? We’d lose so many…

Hour 12: Astonishing Animals

Astonishing Animals Astonishing animals all around Breathtaking baby birds bewail Curious chimps chatter and chase Distant deer dash indiscriminately Electrifying eels elongate edgewise Fabulous flamingos flit fretfully Glorious gorillas galumph gaily Heartwarming hamsters hide hereabouts Impressive ibises intone intensely Junior jaguars jump jauntily Kindly kakapo…

Punk is dead

let’s play a game.  what came first, the chicken or the egg?  what came first, punk or the elitist assholes who listen to only punk?     listen:  punk is dead and punk was the end of garage band rock and punk turned poetry to…