
Moon keep watch on us tonight May our words take endless fight Eyes stay open Mind stay sharp Illuminate our page with spark

Hour 13

Half Wishing I don’t even know when it started This little half crush Probably around the time we shared an interest Something we keep hidden from others Not because it is wrong But because it is different Sometimes I think you might sorta like me…

A possibility

  Gravity maximization closely held secret on the  horizon Materialization on full blasting and edging out for all portions Dawning in the heralds of days where it is just mere normality Echoing in deep conscious efforts dealing in its effectors Knitting the causality in every…

Poem 10

Secret lies that’s what he told me some tarty moments he was very shady trust he would open up to me one day this he never did Let the love flow no matter where you go for my love for you will never die you…


Losing its pretence of absolute control, light it seemed was fumbling for a solace in the unending pit of coming night. Shadows trudged into the living room, sliding through the Persian carpet unobtrusively to claw their way up onto the black wallpaper and dissolve like…


“Chicken mole.” Gasped wife four. “I made it!” Saucy chocolate decadence From a too wet spoon Soils her cleavage screaming,” “Voila!” in high pitched bird calls. Amanda’s kitchen wizardry Was unclutched. “Look!” Husband number two, Pure panicked sweat, Like rain, Splashed off glistening Abdominal flesh,…

Poem 9

Live life to the fullest never a dull moment run laugh, skip, jump chill and relax life is a chill moment so live it well and never give up never give in don’t cave in be a blessing All rights reserved copyrighted(c)2017 Roxann Harvey

Poem no. 9 Autumn silver

As the shy poet eases letters, one by one, onto the waiting page (as one would carefully compose a secret valentine) so October takes the time to etch her early frosts – patiently working innumerable silver strands among the delicate spider webs of autumn.


There’s no greater feeling than that of life traveling through you. The creaking of the wood, The stretch of the string. With my feet firmly planted and my head pointed towards my goal, in that moment I can feel the very earth moving beneath me….