After the rain

O what a gloomy night, the rain hasn’t stop and never run dry. Hoping to give way, to a warm gorgeous day. A rainbow appeared, a promised from above. While a magnificent red cardinal stop by, to cheer me up, while clearing the blue sky….

Why Dogs Are Better Than Dates

      Jaded a bit, I know. Certainly there are benefits to human dates No dog can fulfill. Certainly, no human date should ever feel Expected to be my dog. Yet I sleep better with Comfort and company, Warmth and breath, heartbeat and Dream…

Night and day

My strong nocturnal nature is continually at loggerheads with my propensity for early rising, taking in a new day shortly after it begins, racing the sun squeezing in sleep after a long day prior to quickly starting another I have yet to reconcile my propensity…

To The Dark

The fading darkness saw me Writing away my deepest scars Through the first rays of light. I can only hope to welcome it back Once again as the light fades And wraps itself in that comforting abyss.

The Morning Story

I try not to write poems directly online, lest my shaky internet connection dies and I lose all I’ve written! Vut Word also has a word count feature, and this poem clocks in at 97 words, including the title, and there aren’t any overly repeated…

What do you feel

  You will not know what you feel inside If you never turn on your inner eye The feelings are there around each corner Waiting to pounce if you should wander   Is it love or hate or something else Emotions good and some bad…

Poem no. 8 Drawn from Basho

The lines I am using in my own haiku (below) are taken from a haiku written by Matsuo Basho. I am including the complete haiku here (it’s beautiful!) but will be using only the words in the final line of the poem for my own…

Hour twelve

Mother Tongue   I never forgot this language— the way my tongue should roll when I pronounce the words   The accent and expressions grab the phrases strongly   The sentences slip out of my mouth with an ease   The pen doesn’t fumble when…


No pain no gainIf this is what I want, this is the choice that I will make every day No pain no gainthe life I dream of, of breathing, of filling my soul with creative air No pain no gainexcuses are a dime a dozenso…

So Long… (12th Hour)

Your leave will only be for a year But I feel like I should acknowledge you It’s always fun when you come near And an even greater pleasure when you’re through I must admit, I will miss Your hot kisses Against my burning skin If…