The Epic

He caught her eye as she swung past, Her partner tossed quite often, Showing off his leading skills, And her, in ballet motion. Ah, that authenticity! Poetry with music. “Cut!” he yelled. “Break for lunch,” another voice. “I almost thought you meant it.” She smiled….


  everywhere we go people want to know who we are, and we tell them we’re UNITED mighty UNITED we’re Red to the core the Mighty, Mighty core we’re standing at your door oh Manchester, oh Manchester no Scousers wanted here we’ll beat you every…

Hour 11 – Swallowtail Jig

It’s my father. Music. Banjo, Irish folk, With a Scottish accent And a flutter of Jazz. Everything intertwined, Always moving, Always turning, Always out of reach. It’s me. Learning the recorder, Irish jigs, Sully’s, Play them faster, Fingers moving Without instruction. Always moving, Always turning,…

Sounds on the Wind

Melodies do abound Just listen Here the music in the wind   Listen to the sound Words glisten Your music and my music twinned

From The Window (In Black and White)

Take my hand in yours And sail away To that distant shore   We’ll leave this black and white We’ll leave by ocean Let’s leave tonight   Through the window We’ll find passage We’ll find the light   Fight through the rain Search through clouds…

Eight Legs

If I had eight legs, and a gaggle of eyes, and a talent for building webs, I could run all over the world saving lives, and watch for injustice, and catch you when you fall, Some would be repulsed, they would try to trample me…

Prompt 11

I long to put into words Exactly what i experienced On that pretty emerald island But not even my imagination Can attempt such creation.

Prompt eleven

Rivers   Rivers flow Through green meadow Looking for a heart It wasn’t lost merely misplaced Where did it land? Where does it flow? Where is this man He holds it in his breast pocket I gave it to him but a moment ago When…

my mouth is

my        mouth        is a paint    s                            p  l    a                                     t     t e r                                          fallen in the wrong place and you are trying to wipe. it.  off.  before I ruin the                                              clean slate of your sympathy   these    kids    these    days                                                             but I’m don’t have…

Influence (2017)

It is remarkable to think back On the first day we met You were anxious to work with us To teach the children of our center Your English was adequate Enough to get your point across Even if it took some time Your happy spirit…