Finding your way

Disavow your sight. You’ll be more perceptive that way, Able to sense your family regardless of how many parsecs away they are. Know that they are with you even if they don’t appear On your radar. We’re all bound by the constrictions of time And…


8/5/17 4:13pm Songs Certain songs may bring joy to their listener The ones that remind me of you Never do.

Hour 11

Campfire Comfort The sky a dark back drop The stars shining from dark blue We sit around the fire singing Every song we can think of The words wrapping around us The smoke creating galaxies in the sky We lose ourselves in bad voices joining…

Color My World

Red for the blood White for pure Blue for integrity Color My World Yellow sun The pink rose The orange sunset The day will close Green for money and wealth Brown for laboring at the belt Color My World with history Color My World with…

Swallowtail Jig

The sounds of stings The joy it brings   The melody, it soothes me Creatively groovy   The notes the scream Follow me Joyfully   Pick up your bow Go with the flow   The pen it bleeds As my soul sings


there is no more theatre there is no more spectacle there is no more illusion there is no more stage everything has become exposed raw slightly visible and immediately transparent inexorable information light filled and communicative the drama of alienation is no longer ecstasy takes…

J (2017)

I wish I could tell you What’s been on my mind. Tell you all of the thoughts, the feelings That have been plaguing me. I want to tell you how much Just knowing you means to me. I want you to know how much I…

Hour 11: A Poem from the Inside Out

A Poem from the Inside Out When looking in Are we not looking out? How to tell the two apart? The outside, oh, so fragile The inside naught but heart A poem is the thing inside That tears the outside down Outside is where the…


Swirling blades spinning Tirelessly, ’round and ’round. Soothing; Hypnotic.

Colors of My Soul

I was red. I’ve been red for a long time now. Red since the day before I was born. Every now and then, I’d be purple Drifting in and out of the blues. Hues, like waves washing my feet. And now, I’m blue. “What’s come…