Hour Ten

Write a poem where color plays an important role. How you choose to interpret that role is up to you. Red By Patricia Harris Sunset crimson, Closing the dark eyes At the end of life.   Seeping,  weeping Lines too true, Spreading out, Staining the…


Red and a deep ochre yellow Merge away into sunshine Bright dark deep All together Filtering into a cool darkness Refusing to stay without Following everywhere Sunshine and all Stepping over everything Tripping over corners Spilling over embraces Spreading over tables Moving over crevices Settling…


I like to listen while I sleep, and tap along to the beat. In my head it feels so good, to slip out under the hood.


I was born before the color blue, she hadn’t been missed yet, have you? I grew up under a sky that held light and dark like others hold or release their breath I swam in an ocean and fished in its depths and stood on…

Prompt 9

Spiders Fuck it, Let them burn, This house will be a house No more.

Hour 10 – The Colour Purple

There’s a whole generation Of women, of a certain age, Who took the poem about Wearing purple when you’re old A little too seriously. The liberation of being able To dress in a less demure fashion Is muted, when every woman On the bus or…

Prompt 8

I knew It This was it, Certainly No matter what he was or Wasn’t This was Love But He only wanted me, not We His ego, my shoulders Carried Love and duty are not one in The Same His touches left Scars Bruises and Contusions…


Pale skin, midnight blue ink stains my fingernails from cleaning my pen. The prep to start, take my pen apart, the nib, the barrel, the cap. all flushed with water, fading from midnight to sky ink will stain my nails for a few days, my…

Green Eyed Monster – Hour Ten

Green eyed monster Nobody wants her Not once the damage is done – She sees a red heart and wants to paint it black She sees affection and wants to give it back Untouched.  

Colors of the Night

Colors swirling in the night Dark blue, yellow, cream I stare in fascination At this artistic scene. The dark sky churns in restless motion The wind agitates the air. I close my eyes and see the echo Feel the breeze flow through my hair. In…