The Russian arms are bought with gold smuggled through Spain, over the Pyrenees mountains. Our comrades are of the utmost importance. Heil Hitler. We know that common jealousies are of secondary importance to fear. We know that capitalist schemes feast on fascist supplies. We know…

Hour 7

You could never fill this void. I’ve consumed enough lovers to realize That some people will never be made whole.


Found a really old picture In the darkest corner of attic Bright smiles, shining eyes So different from the orbs Observing them right now What changed? Nothing specifically It’s just the rule of time It keeps moving waiting for none And wasn’t it you who…

Hour 10

Favorite Color Grey elephants and cats Tea for breakfast and a parrot Part of our brains And a last name My favorite color is many things My favorite hoodie The sky on gloomy days A new candle A wild wolf’s fur It might not be…

Pieces of Everything

You are pieces of everything Beauty amplified The hue of the ocean The pearl shade of billowing clouds Stars piercing black canvas It is where you are, everything is clear You have never gone


Essence you cannot bottle Inspiration you can’t control Yet it comes pouring out In ways you never know Word like bloodwork spill And page absorbs it all Marking what will be Remember what heart saw

Appreciating the colors of world

  Waking up in the world full of colors and hues Color schema in learning the walks of life Artful crafts illuminating the simple clues Nothing surely can lead to strife   Verbatim  the knowledge Marking in its steps of combination Working like a steps…

A Balad to Thrūd

Immortal beauty. Warrior goddess with hair of gold and eyes of sapphire. Her shield arm is strong, her sword arm is sure. Her eyes are keen, her aim is true. Lovely and deadly Thrūd, we lift our praise to thee. Shine upon us in our…


The mind’s imagination is a powerful thing. My work, my life, the very fabric of my existence, all must be painted just perfectly so, lest the image be flawed. Like a dream, all things must be vibrant and lively. Why stay here in the real…

Something New

Something New VCS Darkened hallways Turn darker still The last lights of what was Are dimmed and gone The wind has stopped Rustling the leaves Only evil beasts still caper Through the bowers of the trees What is What was It is no more I…