An old flame

  maybe moths know the candle will kill them but they’re just so tired of searching for the sun. maybe I knew that girl would never love me back but her hands were still her hands and her eyes still looked like stars and when…

The Prisoner

Outside she’s lead with arms bound behind, all eyes are cast she’s now a freak show.   A lowlife she is the prisoner removed, she’s led in this room where patients await.   She flickered and winced losing herself, never again can she trust herself….


Am i genuine Quick answer me that one Am i Genuine. What does that mean Being genuine. Real Authentic True Synonyms To being me Originality Individuality Being genuine Listening to my heart my soul my gut Doing what pleases satisfies satiates. Genuine When I feel…

2017 – Hour Six

Scared and fearsome Confident trepidation Hesitant reactionary Full speed procrastination Gentle rain Soft and cool Overtake me Flood the pool Take away All assumptions Misconceptions And presumptions

Betty Boop, One-Dog Pup Troop -Prompt 6

  This dog won’t leave me alone Typing one-handed as she begs me for a bone. Or attention, whichever works for me.   This little monster is so excited Just to be here She’s so happy to have been invited! She climbs up on my…

Hour three- Light

The lights of passion finding its way to me an effect of my search or a premise to me conscious. How did you come trailing looking for me? when I have been in search of you for years. Where you not listening to my silent prayers…

In the Library – hour 6

In the library (like a poem from before but less rhyming) production in solitude no noisy cats or barking dogs I get the sense that I have not done what you wanted   I think about parts of some art that don’t exist in poetry…


you cannot stop the will of a cat you dare to try they’ll swipe or they’ll scat   you cannot stop your heart how it flows you close your eyes furry kiss on your nose   you cannot stop from soon getting more you start…


A powerful way to make a major change Enthusiastically if you will, show how to look at things are really insane But, reinventing will cost you nothing On how you perceive things.


I am a song, l dance along, l play inside your head, come chase my lonely tune. I am a dream , a quiet place to be, in the darkness of the night, a lonely friend to sleep beside until the morning arrives, I have…