
They shouldn’t see our faces. Which is to say, our faces shouldn’t be what brings people to us. They should want to listen. They should all want to wear their own masks. At our shows with the lights and sounds.   I’ll drum. I’ll beat…

Me N’ You

What do we have in common, me n’ you? Me n’ You? What do we have in common, me n’ you? Me n’ you? So much we have in common, me n’ you. Me n’ you. So much we have in common, me n’ you….

Beach and Memories

Cold water washes my feet The super stubborn sand Still sticking to it The smell of sea fills my senses The smiling sun tickling my skin Hearing the sound of rushing waves I let my mind wander To the time when we Used to make…

Those days…

Busy roads usually don’t excite many But for me,the busy traffic had stories to tell, Those empty rooms had lessons to preach The scrotching sands had ailments to heal Then I was a small ignorant kid My world was my room My best crowd was…

The crooked road to nowhere

Bustling sound of busy tractor tilling the drought ground, Where rural farmers are busy harvseting corns and other crops of the season. Cage less chicken roaming around to find what’s left on the ground. Children of farmers loved to play on top of the hay…

The finding of one’s self

Where do I belong? The rhetorical question I asked all my life from state to state and school to school. Jobs to jobs the indefinite path of my life the more I planned the more it became disorganized and harder the tasked became to accomplish….

Time Marching On – Hour Six

Difference Is a hindrance When you reach forty And people get haughty About your single status Your creative hiatus Your dislike of their children…   So you try to keep it within Stop yourself asking when they became so boring So you have to just…

What We Leave Behind

All the memories are still here. There’s my first time meeting my best friend. You must be careful with that one. It’s extremely fragile. Over by the wall is prom. You can throw that one at the wall. Senior, but not junior. The rest you…

Problems with Solutions

Inner city blues Success has many clues The answer solves what’s real No matter how you feel   Sing a simple song of life That ends the violence, starvation, and strife That lets factual knowledge now be heard Where wisdom isn’t a foreign word Sing a…

Timed Exercise

As the first minute ticks by Let those built up words fly Just keep pace, don’t lose track Music flowing through the air Keep the second beats pumping   A little break- now take two A party, traveling through As a different artist peeks through…