Playtime on my mind

    Playtime of all ages singing a song Resonates each lines of it Making things ringing a dong Something doing to sit   Springtime of each counters Reading the lines to a sharer Marking in its encounter Something to be an  usherer   Pointing…

Tiny Dancer pt. 2

I’ve lost him.   Today, I danced for him, But there was another present.   His lips brushed hers, Her hands touched him. I’ve never seen him so happy.   They were together in ways I could never dream. Their eyes sang beautiful songs together….

Hour One- Elements of Me

The fire of grit in my pulsating veins, the winds of passion with their ebbs and tide, the calmness of pure serenely flowing breath of river, All unite in me to a creation of the earth from the dust, into the birth Naming me, welcoming…

A million ways to die

Here we are for better or worse. We take it all as it comes and Roll with the tide as it washes out to shore. A million ways to die but only one way to survive   You’re not a victim of circumstance. We all…

Prompt 1

“Bongs” Pack me tight into a bowl And light my soul ablaze Inhale, exhale, smoke me up Don’t forget the way I taste.   Something silly for hour 1. I showed up to this party 5 hours late. It was too early for anything serious…

Jesus ‘ Do you love me today

Jesus I am on my knees Praying to you For your love today. I know my heart wonders sometimes.   You are always back of my mind My heart needs your love today. My heart is sad and lonely Jesus’ Take my hand   Tears…

Hour five

We sneaked into an old  abandoned gym   alone with the dusty equipments surrounded by Grey floor, cream walls and rustic windows   I was on the bench press when I saw your face upside down   you helped me lift a heavy iron barbell…


the grandfather clock ticks away the rotting time rest have not survived


small hands stacking chips counting cautiously to twenty-one nothing to risk bragging rights to gain the warrior girls kicking skirts taking names on the playground baked asphalt glowing black in the sun pitter patter heartbeats and faded sneakers charging over to join the game

Fifth poem

Good dog and bad dog Both are inside of me Lurking for attention Barking, hawling Good me must win evil me And become powerful Oh yes! Constant struggle One over the other No peace, no joy ! My good must meet Evil me, middle way…