
I would sit on a wooden bar stool in the doorway to the small office at the back of the little donut shop I worked at in high school the doorjamb, perfect for leaning in boredom, or sleepiness as I awaited fresh customers seeking coffee,…

Prompt #5 (Calangute beach j.r.m©)

Take me back back in time to the place  I once called my playground. The air tasted of salt and summer. The wind continuously blew as the waves greeted the shoreline. …and it always felt like the waves were playing catch up with me. Almost…

What Dreams May Come

I just want you to know I understand why you felt the need to ostracize yourself. It’s never easy and it never will be. I know it wasn’t to hurt me. I know it wasn’t to scar the world. It was out of some misplaced…

Mindful Warrior

Eyes saddened of worries and tiredness not claiming defeat amongst the impossible  yet, wore down of the heavy load carrying each step out of many doors of locks and reintroductions of reflected mirrors fighting tough as a Warrior. Mind racing on a second clock, defending…


when i was young and first met you you made me laugh that’s what you do   when i was young we loved to chase you followed me such a fun race   when i was young we found a park i climbed the slide…

Poem no. 4 Careful Coffee

I sip my coffee carefully in the small cafe. Carefully lift my scone, cutlery and napkin in turn. I arrange them to my liking; I organise my space. I sip my coffee carefully in the small cafe. Shopping bags lean persistently against my ankles, Heavy…

Hour Five: Laughter of Children

by willjxn I will never forget how they changed my life— Cliffs of salmon-pink sandstone Lent their broken skins to make homes for; Sons, Daughters, Parents, Grandparents. Long gone, yet— I could hear children’s  laughter clattering off the walls of this ancient place.   My…

Same Old, Same Old Threshold – Hour Five

The coal fire smoke piped like a snake-charmers tune Between the symmetrical council terraced houses Out on winter parade Not allowed to blink or smile at the skittish snowflakes Tickling their nose Doorsteps lay burdened Like a too-late harvest festival alter Maybe a coal sack Or…

Guarding (Jan Rog, Prompt #5, August 5 2017)

Its head resting on the crest, the lion still guards the Confederate soldiers buried in the aftermath of Civil War. Not a gargoyle spouting water, not an angel of compassion, not a soldier of upright honor: The protector of the Confederate Dead oversees those who…