
the only difference between a weed and a flower is intention.  flowers that pop up where you did not plan for them are either weeds or volunteers depending on your perception and you never planned on me being here.   you tore me down but…

The Box

There was once a little box filled with specially imported chocolates. Then — wafer, chunk, wedge and sliver — eaten, and the box sat coated with dust. Once, too, there was an orange, the last one of a basketful. As it aged there alone, it…

Poem 3 – Bruised

Bruised and battered Surrounded by love I tried to repair All that I could With no clear path And miles away It’s easy to feel You’re a castaway But this is my purpose This is my plan I am more than Just a madman I’m…

Kismet/Still Can’t Find Her

8/5/17 9:23 Kismet/Still Can’t Find Her I’ve been looking for God In between cities and the webbed space connecting fingers. I’ve been pacing the bare-bulbed blinding Never finding faith or redemption, So that I can drop down to my knees and Give myself over to…

Poem 2 – Yearnings

The distance between us is far and bare I’ve anchored my feelings, nothing more than a stare I wish I could break the shackles I’d take on the fighters and win any battle I’d listen to what ignites your fires I’d revive from your love,…


your cloudy eyes your new mind   your cloudy eyes your broken frame   your confused stare your new mind   your cloudy eyes your calm gait

Photo: Shala Lang

The Eternal Rose

Sun doesn’t set, Moon doesn’t rise, Days are endless for Rose.   Floating among stars, Observant always, Placid smile, gaze wanders.   Center of the universe, Mistress of eternity, Shining bright in the Heavens.   Who or what she is, No one quite knows, Not…

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Caring because you endured the harsh environment the month of doubt during my recovery Kind because you still pulled me up as the bullet brought upon deadly suggestions Stubborn because you see the outcome of my fate before me Helping nature because you open up…


I am the Wolf Ya Volk, in Russian, for you gypsy types (my types) You can find me in the dark, look for me in the night when The shard of the crescent moon slices through smoky clouds, shades of black Against a velvet sky,…