They Really Get You Sometimes

  They really get you sometimes With their smiling eyes and juicy lies Grooming you to accept crimes While self-respect and dignity flies. They really get you sometimes Designing tricks to absorb your cash Rubbing wounds with stinging limes Transforming hope into cold wet ash….

The Edge of the World

A book is a sailboat A majestic schooner, white sails plumed gallantly in the wind, racing to plunge off the edge of the world Fresh sea air invigorates, mist in the breeze. Fear and excitement etch into the back of your throat, making a taste…

Hour #3

Strong storms surprise us Winds blow not as predicted Rains fall puddles form rivers too deep Cars stranded on familiar roads now rivers.

I have been taught

I have been taught, Not to raise voice during noise; To embrace wisdom at the hardest of times ………………………………………………………………..   I have been challenged, I have been taken advantage, I have been cheated, Still they say, Not to raise voice in noise   My identity…

Wicked, Little Monster

wicked, little monster   Wicked, little monster, dancing on my heart: two-step, jig, or tapping tearing me apart.   Holding me for ransom for a price I cannot pay – wicked, little monster, don’t let me die this way.   I beg only for the…

Four Stanzas / Prompt #4 Jan Rog

Morning walks to the bus stop Steady steps in the coolness A ride through my city An adventure to be discovered.   Steady steps in the coolness Take me past yipping puppies bravely guarding their people against my menace as I laugh. Yoga devotees stretch,…

Among The Stars

Looking up at the night sky Filled with these little stars I think back to when i was young And tried to count them in all seriousness Sometimes reaching out my hand As if to get hold of one of them And getting all dissapointed…

4. Running

She ran as fast as her legs would carry To the safety of her little room Even his words felt like they were chasing her Running was her only option It wasn’t often she gets called for coffee But he seemed intriguing And she let…

one fine day

Keep facing One fine day you will. Keep facing. Boldly blatantly , fear gnawing at your innards But keep facing.   Keep staring into his eyes Even if you’re shit scared. Even if its dark. Keep facing. One fine day you will be across.  …

Hour 4: One Long Leg

One Long Leg The podiatrist looked at me Standing in my bare feet But otherwise dressed, and said “You’ve one leg longer than the other.” Standing in my bare feet I stood amazed that he Could tell from just looking That I was imperfect “You’ve…