
She once belonged here The faces she once recognized- Ghosts Hesitation turned her shoulder cold Another look That space- Empty She never belonged here at all

The Sky and The Sea

The wide, open sky With different hues of blue Admires her own beauty In the mirroring clear surface Of the wide open ocean, Who is relentlessly trying To grab her attention by waving Notwithstanding the bright light Staring in his direction The elegant lighthouse sighs…

In search

When eternity lies right in you, Right inside your own soul; When religion lies in your Inner heart and flowing blood; When morals are anyway Hardwired in your logistic mind Right from the beginning ……………………………………..   Why do we run Run in search of eternity;…

Hour 3: Ticking

wind watch, turn key count the seconds, watch the sand coil spring, charge cell check for ticking, move the hand hurry! hurry! busy keeping faster! faster! never sleeping set the timer, sound alarm time is money, all things pass press reminder, heed the bell see…

Poem no. 2 Ash

One day you will turn your face back to the sun; what you yearned for in your darker days and could not find will shrivel in the unforgiving light of day. All that has burned so deeply and so painfully within you will drift slowly…

Natural Season Of Time

Earth moves as wind blows Starts a fire time for the water to overflow Nature’s calling The Earth wakes up Constant movement produces combustion through the wind A heavy a flow of water puts out the fire The cycle continues day to day Earth, Wind,…

Hour 3: Mountain Woman

Hour 3:  Mountain Woman By willjxn   Mountain Woman drapes Herself in winter’s white. With the wind to traipse; A mesmerizing sight.   Who made you so frail? What architect’s resign; Made you dance with hail, Old homely, empty shrine?


The fluorescents buzz and hum, an old golfer on the muted tv, the only lights in this place. 1am Pacific time, and I’m lost. “Try Hofsa’s Haus. Pink building. Take a right at the next street, then a left. The bathroom is right there.” Pointing….

Start Your Engines

When there’s a prompt that is entirely image-based, it’d be helpful for any blind or visually impaired participants to have a brief textual description of what is being shown in the photographs. An image called photo-1490823853387-09b84ca6227e doesn’t make for a great jumping off point! So…