Poem 4- Dawn

Waking up To birds crying and brainlessness A new day dawning A new horizon developing   Waking up To Cat meows and a pastel backdrop Wispy whispers through palms A new possibility dawning   To birds Chattering and brainlessness I tip my desires to simple…

Oh What a Glorious Day

With a peaceful heart, I make my way I follow my thoughts, decide what to say I create ideas like a potter with his clay Oh what a glorious day! With a grateful heart, I cannot go halfway I design my purpose, in a wondrous…

Hour 4

Still going strong!! Beach Flow   Walking by flowing blue Soft browns and tans shift under me People lounging under bright umbrellas The sky screams it’s blue color   Soft browns and tans shift under me Sand flowing almost like water Moving with each step…


Clutter of humanity cackle past their cocoon of cheap beer and sunscreen. Afternoon inertia.   The scorching red of a languid sun. They take a stroll among the flying shades animated by an intruding breeze, and the cigarettes that meet their violent end.   The…

My Morning’s Predicament -Prompt 4

O, Kitty! Wherefore art thou With your white fur all over my bed You purr and against my arm bump your head. You gorgeous thing are in my way.   O, Kitty! Wherefore art thou So fickle as a flighty sprite So patient  with some…


The morning sun is in my eyes, why oh why must I go blind? The window east sounded like a good plan, but then I could understand, the morning sun is in my eyes, and now I can truly realize that a morning person I…

Hour Four

Prompt For Hour Four The prompt for this hour is to write a four stanza poem. The stanzas can be as long or short as you want them to be. In each of the stanzas, you most repeat one of the lines in the first…


Drama drives us forward. Keeping my head downI run into everythingYour business ain't mine butDrama drives us forward along an edge. I hear the gossip and storiesI even passed on a few of my ownYour business is now my businessDrama drives us forward To tell…

New path

  The path of new ideas springing out Pointing new direction count Sting of new fount reaching out Caught an instantaneous   recount   Undertaking of new ideas set on A  path of new ideas springing out Regaining new insights hype on Reading the point sight…