
An ocean of love in me for you. Do you see from above? I miss us.

Prompt three

      The snow came As it did every spring A fresh blanket Over winters faded fast Starving on remnants of wishes and want The skeletons began to show At first our eyes then cheeks did follow The hunger rose to meet us We…

Her Facade

Behind her smile no one can see, the sadness that’s hers when she takes her leave. The eyes that look dim despite how they shine. she’ll cover her face they think she just whines. Her smile may seem bright but tears have shone through, they…

Hour three Once I Was a Home

03 2017 poetry marathon prompt: photo of derelict building in high desert, snow and tumbleweeds. Once I Was a Home by Paul Robert Sanford I’m not from around here. All there is to build with here is sandy dirt and scrub brush. Every board and…

Hour 3: hanging the lights

hanging the lights shivering in the snow I hold one end of a long string of multi-colored lights a queue of gems they reach from me to my brother standing on the ladder the cold doesn’t seem to bother him nor the height nor the…


8/5/2017 8:20am You You told me that we were made of the same matter as stars and wove me a blanket made of constellations that I wore when my nights were vacant and unending. You tilted the sky upside down so that we could gaze…

Dancing Shadow (Hour 3)

The silhouette of my soul is a dancing shadow, A bestial revelry in the last hours of day, I beckon the advancing throat of night. I celebrate the freedom of my spirit with swaying arms that could embrace the entire horizon. I expel the filing…

Pill Popping Time…

Here I go, here I go, here I go again, Making a case to normalcy Open up the shoebox find the elixirs of life Take them with spit to survive Without go to pieces After coffee, climb mountains Takes guts to get old Red pill,…

Eternity Now

Unlike other art, the written word cannot be consumed all at once, in a glimpse or a blink. Of course, anyone would want to stand in front of a painting for an hour or so to get all they can from it, but they do…