My instructions

Poetry Marathon 1. Saturday, August 13 at 9:00 am – Log on to Poetry Marathon a. Remember password 2. Once I am on Marathon site, click on DASHBOARD 3. Look at PROMPT a. Or use own idea b. Write 1st poem 4. 10:00 am –…


I am so excited to do this marathon! It is going to be amazing 🙂 My name is Cheryl and I am from Michigan. I will be working bar tending Saturday so this should be awesomely intense and fun!


absorbing aiming attaching bubbling breathing chewing chasing clicking crashing clinging diving dancing disengaging echoing ebbing emulating falling flicking fornicating grazing gagging galloping gallivanting gathering gesturing hiding impaling jogging jiggling jostling kneeling kissing kneading lollygagging leaping loaping mooing melting meshing munching nudging nestling orbiting obliterating puckering…

Quoth the Poe

Down deep dark dreary pathways I follow The pounding pulse, twisting violent turbulent turns Gothic rhythms of your nightmares Spilling spinning screaming On aging pages Hold me hostage I dare not look away I dare not leave My blood pounding bruised beating heart Pleads for…


Creation in its smallest from is something that not many people see or believe A single event in a single time on a split from the world that has created it But what of those things that the world has not create or refused to…

The World Creates

The world creates small and impossible things Something that is and always has been forgotten to others Things that only exist to those that take turns and watch them grow Small things that no one can see Or just things that that have become inconvenient…

Keep Finding

What keeps one finding that that was never done For they cannot see the world as it should be What finds them hunting for the wrongs that another does How is their world held together when wrong is all they say That which is done…

Wave Upon Wave

I forget the world I once had as a child that grew The imagination that was created in the world’s that I wrote At a time when escaping the world around me was a better choice When things where different and the world was simpler…

At The End

In my life I sought to dream Some made me happy Others made me scream But now I’m ready for the eternal sleep The perfect destination for me, it would seem

What Is This Feeling?

She proposed I accepted We wanted to Wait until graduation To get married I was willing to Settle down with her The girl I loved Give up my future But something ate inside me That filled me with fear Could this be cold feet Was…