Let Me Feed You

Dear friends, you have hiked a mountain so have I On this treck I’ve been home meditating in silence Writing poems and thinking about what it is to give up. When is it ok to quit, and when to keep going? You have hiked a…


Horizon Virginia Carraway Stark Contours of A living world thread across The lines of hill and sky Plunging down and rising To meet the sea As undulations fold and sink Up and down In synchronized movements Of chaos As choreographed as ever Was any formal…

Poem 13: Burberry and Birkenstocks

Burberry and Birkenstocks, And anything with Carol Burnett, Get these things together And watch how wet I get If that’s a problem with you I’m sure to get upset Girl, you can have your own thing But you’ll stay my filthy pet So I grab…

#14 Chocolate

Chocolate is not a universal gift or acceptable to all as comfort food. The looks I get when I refuse chocolate being offered to me are those of surprise and sheer disbelief. I wish my weird allergies to celery and chocolate were as well known…

Poem #14

If only we all had do-overs. We could relive a day again and again, Finding the best solution to every problem that is produced, And always come out on top. Near the end, you would have said everything you needed to say, at the proper…


A “Carnal Cur” she called me. One that had my teeth first free To lap the gentle blood of lambs. Me! Once a king, now accursed of four feet A wet, cold nose, in this wretched heat. Never did I buy a single soul! Indeed, mine…

Odd (14)

This randomness is brought to you by the letter 2 and the number Q.

Autobiography of a Face

My face would prefer a nap, Having slept loosely and lightly, Worried about a multitude of decisions, None of which life changing or changes In the long and short of things. There’s a head that hurts behind these eyes, A stomach full of bread and fish,…

#13bis – Show me everything

Show me everything Of what you did against this wall Tell me the truth Or I call my brothers And it will be the worst day Of your life   Show me everything But keep it between us Show me everything   Come here in…