
I’m complicated I’m uncontrollable I’m a nightmare I’m out of balance I’m not quite I speak my mind I made mistakes I’m not adjustable I’m not a child I have ambition I’m materialistic towards my own earnings I’m not in control of my crazy side…

Thirteenth poem

I wander down this path and see. Another choice I need to make. A split in the road just ahead of me. Not the first I’ve seen, not the last to be. And it’s always hard to know which to take. Sometimes they wrap back…

The Road Not Taken (hour 13)

Two roads in life, I am not able to travel on both, I had a chance to stood before both, one was straight and wide, The other was narrow and had alot of obstacles, it was over grown with alot of bushes, I now had…


Your love will make. My soul. Burn for your kisses. Your love will put the fire. Out in my soul.

Poem #14: Audible Emotion

Audible Emotion Pluck my heart like strings, and strum me a fine tune. My eyes are wrought of steel and I cannot move: I can only see outward. You cannot embrace that which is burdensome—no, that has been my duty. Drums beat a storm. Hearts…

(Hour 13) 10.30-11.30am — #65 “Old age pension”

#65 The end of entitlement, or how to get a Newstart in life the wisdom of Treasurer Joe Hockey on how to work the system despite industrialisation taking jobs away &/or offshore our beloved bumbler, believes we should now all work til we’re 70 before becoming…

Hour 13–In Case the Bees

In case the bees should fail to please I read in garden pamphlet Could I Q-tip or tease take the place of bees in the fertilization process Tomato blossoms would never fruit unless the pollen boys could take root in receptive female parts so janes and joes were…


-Knowing when to let go it’s tricky But the signs are always there. It’s important to recognize when they need the space to grow and also allow them to know the when they staring their journey we are always there. Let them know that it’s…

Box (13)

I am having a superlatively hard time looking at the house we chose, knowing it is no longer my house, that it will never be my home. I am awkward, a guest, an interloper into the life you are building, choices push us apart, then…


WYSIWYG: it goes beyond Discussion of computer fonts, And colour-palette editing: There’s WYSIWYG in many things. That boy that passed you in the street; A charmer, nicest guy you’ll meet, Or else a thug of darkest kind, Based on what you expect to find. The…