Hour 20

**Cupcakes are** Cupcakes are sugar on a cloud. They are so lightly placed in those paper holders. They are so delicious. ~April Sue Kraniak ~

Hour 19

** My prince ** We were sitting in the room. Staring into each others eyes. Seeing love and happiness. And fear. There’s always the fear of us losing each other. But, we know if we just leave it to us we won’t. I’ll be your…

Hour 18

** The Dead River ** Those yellow stars in the sky. That blue sky is so beautiful. Some stars are bigger. Then the dark tree in the foreground pops out the sky and stars. ~April Sue Kraniak~

Hour 17

** Alone ** I’m not mad. I’m not sad. I just want to be alone sometimes. Yes, I’m outgoing. But, not as much as people think I am. I like to spend time in nature. Just walking down the street by myself. I walk alone…

Hour 16

** Notre Dame ** Ever since I was little. I have liked this football team. But the building, Is beautiful. It means so much to me and my family. It would go there and think about them. The building is gold. And so, beautiful. ~April…

Hour 15

** Us ** Roses are red. Violets aren’t blue. Iloveyou he said. Its just us two. I love you so much. I knew he was going to be there forever. I could feel in just one touch. We are going to always be together. ~April…

Hour 14

**That Girl** Do you see that girl? Well, you know what she does every night? She bawls her eyes out & cuddles with her stuffed animals because its the only thing she has of her family. Your probably thinking is her family dead. They’re not…

Hour 13

** Bacon ** I smell the aroma of the bacon. I walk into the kitchen, Helping, my mom with the Sunday breakfast. I put the eggs in the frying pan and hear them sizzle as they touch the pan. When the bacon was done we…

Hour 12

** Our Relationship ** From and hour and a half away. We talk on Skype, Making each other laugh. Saying Iloveyou every five minutes. Telling our hilarious moments just hear each other laugh. Then one of us quits talking and it gets silent. And just…

Hour 11

** Him ** He, has brown eyes and brown hair. His laugh gets me every time on Skype. He loves me for me. He is smart. Perfect. Handsome. If you saw him the way I do. Well, then we have a problem. Because he’s mine….