#23: “3 AM Pancakes”

My poetic muse long gone, The hard day’s labour almost done. Yet, a craving for crepes I will sate, Before I rest my heavy head.

anvil diet

sometimes people tell me to stop worrying about my weight like i hadn’t already been trying like the idea of shoving the worry to recess on the moon wasn’t already my favorite i carry the launch in my backpack on the way to school sometimes…


Tender is the night, tender the sighs, susurrations and gasps of delight. Passion is the moon, passion the caress, the touch, the piety of moonlight. You are the tenderness of the moon, your kisses delight; your voice rasping sighs, the sucking in of breath. You…

Lasagna Logic

Are you building a house?  Think about a lasagna Planning a huge event with much fanciness? Think about a lasagna Financial planning? Think about a lasagna A lasagna will always be your ultimate guide to perfection Step One: collect your mise en place – all…

“22 Repeats”

“I want it, I want it, I want it!” My child’s incessant cries, Try my nerves.   “Well, I want, I want, I want, I turn and scream, “You be quiet!”   Shocked into silence, The little brat whimpers, “I don’t want it anymore.”  …

“The Farmers’ 19th Sonnet”

The pitter-patter of falling raindrops, Harkens the arrival of a bounty. The summer’s harvest of lush green crops, In the plains of Somerset County.   The happy farmer’s cheerful jollity, Well deserves a hearty celebration. There is a place for joyous revelry, That seemingly spreads…