Self Portrait

I once went to a psychic medium, who said I was like a tortoise: Very slow, but certainly sure. And so it has proven, for my life thus far has taken its time and its toll.   Yet, as my body grows weary, and the…

why i write

you ask me what inspires me so i will tell you again- i got poetry running through my veins- i eat words and breathe analogies have verbs for breakfast and synonyms for snack- drink nouns and think antonyms- chew on haikus all day long; then when…

Ode to a Sonnet

Shakespeare wrote sonnets High School English teachers assign sonnets College kids may memorize devotional sonnets Grad students pontificate upon sonnets Poets ponder publishing pleasing books with sonnets I do not write sonnets I do not need 14 lines of rhythm and rhyme imposing structure and…


Tiny bubbles swim up and down the glass, In small swirls and God-given designs creating sizzling fresh sensation of a taste like lemon-lime sweet sugar. And lapping up this nectar lemon-lime Sends tongues into a wandering taste dance


You Only Live Once For young people it’s a cry of rebellion Risk Taking Courage Pushing them out of their comfort zones and Seducing others To take a chance Love! Go for it! Jump! My son screams “YOLO!” as he makes a reckless move in…

My Self Portrait 8AM

Looking at my reflection in the pond I am rippled. Maybe so… Long slender arms flowing hair and slim legs as well.

Self Portrait.

Eyes to see more than they should, A mouth to be misunderstood, Ears to hear both truth and lies, A mind to always wonder why, Two hands to hold and write and sew, Two legs to take me where I go, Lungs to breathe and gasp and…

I wont say bye!!

Remember the time We said Hi! Its time to promise Will never say bye.. All these lovely things we shared Lots of memories that we cared So much sweetness Kind and pure Lets join our hands Remain friends for sure Specially the creators Who made…

His Presence in the Night

In the silence of the night I feel His presence. It brings me peace and calms all my fears While others say the darkness of the night Magnifies the darkness within For me it washes it away Consuming it Robbing it of its power Leaving…