“At 14 Victoria Road”

The hesitant knocking Disturbed his slumber. Opening the door, He looked at the woman.   “Can you help me?” was her plea. “I just need someone to talk to.” In astonishment, all he could say was, “I’m sorry. I cannot.”   He closed the door…

Thank you my friend ..

My eyes were open Brain was tired Thought I will lost everything desired The goal was near View seemed blurred I was about to quit When my nose picked An aroma so tempting That I couldn’t sit My hands felt the warmth Lips tasted sweet…

Seasons Change: 6AM post

The morning is clear the air is crisp Summer is fading for autumn’s arrival Still about a month away Leaves turn an array of colors some sooner than others.


intransigents in this ‘relating’ to her – stone-cold catacombs of her heart; the tortuous maze that is her glance, and a half-smile playing on lilac lips…. specious like his words of seduction.

Heart Beat

I’m tired and by far completely Drained of all the things that make me But my pen Bleeds and Bleeds and Bleeds Until I can feel Alive again Lub Dub Lub Dub Lub Dub Taking on the characteristics of a Heart Pounding life Supplying the…

My Mind is a Mine of Gold

Hour 22 – 3:00 AM    Who’s mine am I in? Or, Who’s mind am I in? These words look like coal. Pressurized diamonds create images of old. Jewels upon jewels, I’m scolded for all the gold. Any two day pass created a new arrival….


I closed my eyes four hours ago. My words withered into hardened berries clinging to a November vine. My body ached like the leafless lone oak standing in a harvested Wisconsin field. My muse was mute. But the hum of my heart promised deep sleep…

“Lucky Thirteen”

On that hot, humid night, He walked slowly to the inn. Halfway across the street, He paused.   The faintest nauseating whiff Of week-old cloying sweat, Tinged with palpable fear. He smiled.   And then, the slightest whisper, Of steel being drawn By a trembling,…


Hungry stomachs churn with food anticipation, then turkey is served.

5AM Hour 21

Made it to hour 21 3 more to go I’ve got this now slept about three hours in bits and pieces thru the night My brain is misfiring coherent thoughts not forming The sun is rising my family still in bed two and a half…