
Loved the way she carried The colors were always perfect For me they were always an angels dress I used to name all of them Always decided what she wore then Pink,Maroon,Blue My favorite About the rest I didn’t care Years have passed Times still…

mothers clothes

we have talked about them for years this odd blend of simple shirt and knitted pants never quite good enough to take the walk to school with us or enter a classroom unannounced. but it was her own mix of satin and lace that gave…


lips turn cerise with the passion of her words, the love of her emotions. and sussurations of desire curdle the ridges of his cochleate heart… ( such are the secrets lovers share )

Nyad’s Tears

The lady in blue Her dress draped around her Mingling with the ripples In the water of her pool Lined with rocks Softened and Covered in shag carpets Of green and olive moss The lady laughs Her laughter echoes Even dampened by the leaves Of…


You are unearthly beautiful; was there some cosmic conspiracy in the heavens the day you were conceived? Is there a numinous stellar synchronicity to sculpt and hone your form from celestial alabaster it seems…. …did the firmament eschew some colours such that your irises could…

Forgiving yourself

To be repentant of one’s Old ways When does this really stop?   You forgive yourself and Others time and time again And still there is a lesson To be learnt   When it rears its ugly head Discipline, planning and calculations Doesn’t set the…


Staring straight ahead, my eyes struggled to focus. A woman, counting down, 3,2,1………………………. On the count of 1, she released grip, on her babies stroller and lost it. Faster and faster, a nightmarish blur, Getting closer, tragedy ready to occur, scrambling for confidence, instead, find myself…

“The 12th Gate”

My first day in this new world, Begins with the seraph at the gate. “I bid you welcome,” he beams. Have a look around. Do whatever you like.”   To my thousand questions, He has but one answer. “Free will. The choice is always yours….

Your Time is Charity

Hour 21 – 2:00 AM   Give me this, Give me that. Be truthful, and don’t hurt those that have your back. Resentment will never get you far, you’ll be lucky if it even leaves a scar. Memories made keep you within boundaries, lessons bestowed…