
he told me i was his poetry girl caramel skinned long thick locks and he, tall thin framed- he was my extra large cinammoned cappacino- whipped cream and all; bringing song and light when he was around. his essence was like a diarrhetic and words…

Alone now

Rock steadies my feet; we stood here together. An ache, relentless, crushes my core, from which legs are like nothing; inadequate trusses.… Yet still I stand. Now, from below the Earth, our beacon rises. I know nothing of God, but still I stand. I only…


I held onto the afternoon, My fingers tinged light pink, With fear of what was coming soon, For night brings time to think. But like the dawn turns into day, The day turns into night, Lost and lonely on my way, I held the fading light….


Two gasping Quick inhalations And then ‘You have got to learn To wing it Only then can we All flock together” She told me when I was age four Then there was that day The day of Blood They called her grandmother I called her…

Poem 19

You left me in the rain You said you would be back with an umbrella It has now been 2 hours Yet I have stayed Why did I stay in the rain Because I believed that you would come back And I still believe

The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part IXX So, he got the best of me; young, untouched, naïve, conforming… I cannot have a do over, now I am pushing fifty, survived a myriad of physical calamities, never even entertained filling his spot; I cannot go through that again – educated but…


Sometimes i judge myself, this world is so hard to live in, I just want to be me…

out of fashion

you put on your white socks and commented on how ugly they are and i realized nobody likes white anymore. it’s way out of fashion.

A house like a women

It stands abandoned Like a women in shock Quite,alone and still Soundless it stood No one lived inside Like she becomes speechless Nothing to speak The windows were closed No one looked from them Like she shuts her eyes Refusing to see The house looked…