
A pin pricked her and blood fell to a fitted sheet of fabric, that was lying on the oak workplace, she couldn’t bare herself to sew the pleat. Many men wanted her to tailor their suits complete, but all she wanted to do was efface….

My inner mental room

Close your eyes and imagine a place: Always spiral stairs from the entrance- an oak wooden door Accessed from a hilltop, but the building is ethereal So as not to ruin the landscape. No one else can come here; they do not know the way….

Solitude of Pain Unspoken

There are things I can’t speak about. I want to. I try But they stick in my throat and won’t come out. They are things that were done to me That stole my innocence My confidence My voice   The counselor says What would happen…

Little Girl in a Lake

I saw her drowning She was so small and so scared We could all see her from above in the murky lake frantically flailing about. She didn’t know how to swim Her face grew grim with fear and panic But she didn’t close her eyes, she…

Poem 18

You called me fat You called me ugly You called me freak You called me stupid You made fun of me You made me hate myself You made the decision You were the one that put me in this bed.

sometimes a mother’s love isn’t medicine

I have two daughters but one child she has no siblings but there are two of her the one that held my hand and laughed at my smile and asked me questions, sitting on the kitchen floor viewing me as a skyscraper and the one…

Song of the deceased

The worst is oblivion. Pain can be delightful; It is sensuous to me now- sexy. I yearn for sharpness, stinging, aching, burning, crushing… Heartache! Now there’s a thing to be desired- Prized above all; It is the best of pains For it makes one feel…

Take What You Give

Hour 19 – 12:00 AM    Find yourself through the bullshit That’s the point of coming up uncrowned and making a fortune Bestow to young one’s,  knowledge and gold For they hold the secrets to the futures mold We’ve got to give it all that…


In a surreal tapestry of gossamer silk and sunbeams, I have etched the beautiful contours of your face. The somnolent eyes, drooping as if a lotus-eater had sprayed the Sandman’s opiate into them, the juxtaposed limbs heavy-wrought and listless ….you are a dream, you are…


3 pair of hands and arms and legs touching- 3 hearts pounding while 6 eyes watched- anticipating 2 lips or 4 hands but no words were spoken; 2 breasts heaved when 6 lips sighed- and 4 hands felt moist with lustful desires- 3 bodies undulated…