The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part V Stuck inside the bunker, I began to scratch my story on the sides of the bunker walls; I simply stated in the essence of dust – THE RAGING POETICS FOUGHT HERE ON THIS DAY… EVERYONE SURRENDERED. – Michellia D. Wilson 8/23/14 NOON

Painful Query

You haunt my future and sear my soul, with ominous unpleasant doings. I don’t want to acknowledge you But I fail to Ignore you Do I dig in and stay for the revolution? Or do I close my eyes and simply salt my wounds? The…


Forget deep thinking, I am shotgunning poems. I hope something sticks.


Your love unpublished With promise No grace Your face I don’t look anymore The tapping of the piano cords A voice I could not hear The haunting touch A cold kiss The dark a shadow of U….    


The hum of the refrigerator The scratch of the dog’s claw’s on the door Bird songs in the distance It’s very quiet, but There is no such thing as silence  

#2 Kill me slowly.

1. To whom does your heart belong? If not to me; the rose, nor to the thorn? Into the wilderness, my dear, the solitude, in which it was born.   2. Past be done, long gone forgotten. Breathe in this free air now, I’ve chosen…

The journey

The path we take A journey we make When times run slow Don’t feel low You may stumble But roads are humble To find your place Stay with the race The sun will rise You will be surprised Watching through tears You will forget your…


soft -stepping gazelle, in woods turning brown; lambent eyes and lustrous skin, she wears a diadem of sorrel keratin. mottled fingers caress slender hands, soft like her name, her lips – and the dulcet tone when she speaks in a shy, halting susurration. soft curve…

Read between the lines

Touch me, Run your fingers up and down my spine, No room to be misunderstood, You must read between the lines. Wipe away that naughty look! Although you are in love with me, Keep in mind, I am only a book!