The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part III When I grew too old to crawl behind the red vinyl couch, and we moved from my beloved Indiana home, to a state where everyone spoke slowly and with a drawl, I restlessly searched a new place to hide; I secured a imaginary…

We Met at the Dog Pound

It had to be fate because somehow in that storm of unpleasant sounds and smells we found each other. We were face to face, eye to eye, assessing each other. I thought No, he looks too much like the dog I grew up with and I…

Summer 1986

I am the last one left to remember those trails carved by beer-loaded coolers from car to Lake Michigan shores. Dragging towels, we sashayed across drifting sand dunes until someone called camp. And then you were gone. Your trysts were legendary. No one worried about…

Loner minus the lonely

Fortunately for her, she was a loner. Never concerning herself with the midnight luxuries so many chased, the constant need to remain fast paced, solitude was her place. What consumed her now was of thicker value. Tighter knots of wisdom and robust intellect. Speaking her…

“A Third Wave”

An elegy, you say? Nay. I will speak my own words, In my own way. Not out of pride, But of necessity.   Hypnos calls me, Somnos will not let me go. Phobetor, Phantasos, And Morpheus invite. I succumb, To Mr Sandman.  

#1 Morning Yearning.

The sun has risen, soaking me up in its light. I crave for a vision, and a song I heard last night. I need no words to rhyme, I need no lucky sign. Just a lovely smile to shine, by my side, in my sight.

Spiritual Teacher

“Immovable by storm Firm as a mountain Composed in praise or blame Union of strength and tenderness..” Seema Sahoo ©


I wonder which voice my poems sound best in at what hour to which person I imagine they are most true always after midnight and always to people who only exist as passers-by until I write them into permanency. man-made memorandum. __ar.  

It all begins..

Peace is what everyone wants Silence is something which still haunts People are together but wander apart Some stay far and still in heart All one wants is a kind of love which makes them feel like a dove A promise that remains unspoken Fills…