Hour 5

Everyone I ever knew Has crowded onto my bed Which is impossibly large and only grows But I can see their faces each so clearly Their mouths opening to speak All one wordless noise And then they’re gone Proportions restored And there you are Breathing…


The eyes are everywhere Daring… Glaring… Faces at the windows Staring… Despairing… Curled up in bed I hear your breath Softly rumbling, sound of death My head upon the pillow lies In the dim light, a shadow flies. My bladder aches, but I don’t dare…

I Am (2019 Poem 1)

Do you know who I am Years before I thought I knew Somehow my soul was lost to me Here I am, misplaced in time Walking on a distant shore Although I don’t know where I am I am myself in finding you Finally I…


i struggle to count the stars in the sky because it hurts to lie on my back the earth does not welcome my spine nostrils inhale soft dirt intoxicating the newness of it potential possibility fingernails grasp at the permanence forehead pressed firm into the…

Fingers deftly dance Clicking across clacking keys Nothing comes to mind

Prompt 2: places we cannot name

places we cannot name I am taught we are all one. I read the wind with my fingers to soil – could hear incantations of freedom in the whisper of poplar dancing leaves forced into jigging by gale-force Prairie winds like those dancers in enchanted…

Front Door Nester

Front Door Nester   It sat upon the front door light well made Needing to move the roost before the eggs arrived   The human carried the empty nest to the barn Settling it down on a rough hewn beam   Instructing the mother-to-be kindly…

Hour 4: Water and Stars

Crystal waters lap at my feet I lay watching the stars Looking for the stories they tell Heros and monsters of simple times Shining from deep blue Throwing light to the pale water My breath loud as thunder in such quiet   I really liked…

You only live twice

I’m on my second now. My first ended on the sandy shores of an ocean of despair. Approaching the rocks, a woman stood idly by nursing the wounds of the offspring who recently emerged from obscurity. Think nothing of it and move on. The shockwaves…

Bandage my fingers

Bandage my fingers Virginia Carraway Stark The road is at my feet again I take a tentative step forward I can’t wait to see How each time I crest Each new horizon I fall in love With every view Again and again And how there…