Front Door Nester

Front Door Nester


It sat upon the front door light well made

Needing to move the roost before the eggs arrived


The human carried the empty nest to the barn

Settling it down on a rough hewn beam


Instructing the mother-to-be kindly yet firmly

To find a more convenient place for the children


Overnight the nester built a new grand liar

Straw and mud anchored to the same black lamp


Resigned she was allowed to stay as the human

Studied robin gestation and maiden flight


The doorway remained dark four weeks

Using the old porch door an inconvenience


Respectfully observed the babies arrived

Fed by a proper mother working full time


Feathers filled in on popping heads

Exposed wide mouths lusted for food


It would be a Friday the human surprised

Grieved the empty nest


TobeTTĀ  #4

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