Women with strollers

Women with strollers pause languidly in front of my front windows— panes like chromatic stained glass, panes that love light like an invisible oil spill. The heat slows them. There is never a cry from the covered strollers. There is never a cry from them….

A beautiful heart Hurt and broken A dazzling piece of art Savage yet pained I am a lover   Far in the corner Head bent low A heartbreaking murmur Blocking everything else I am an outcast   Shining in the centre A star in the…


My mother is a great cook You can tell from the tantalizing aroma that wafts through the kitchen doors Swinging between sweet and savoury My taste buds ache with lingering torture pulling me to the source and the end Egusi soup made of vegetable, sweat…

Into the Garden I Go

Well, I wish it were that easy. To be fully prepared. I spent a good chunk of time Showering and getting ready To go out in the garden. It’s beautiful, this first day of summer. Only the smallest white clouds Reveal exactly how blue the…

What are you looking for anyway

What is it you want to find, is it within or without, or are you in doubt.   We all seek something is it an answer you seek, or knowledge needed for something you speak.   Is there a method you need for a task…

Stuck Is (H3)

trying too hard she froze in place and swayed but didn’t move looked but didn’t touch until the thaw step into the stream or build a bridge neither got her where she was both didn’t seem an option and again came the freeze

There’s so many emotion running through me I feel so over-whelm to the point I just want to curl up and hide. My emotions have ran away with themselves. Leaving me feel where do I go from here what’s next is it ever going to…

Prompt #3 Familiarity

My footsteps weigh heavy upon the timber floorboards  of this ancient house. It gets really quiet at night, the silence screams in my ear. Echoes remanent… haunting in the distance. Emptiness feels heavy and dark. Full of regrets and dense with secrets. Sometimes it is…

Morning Stroll

The morning air is heavier than I imagined. I have never been up and out this early and if I am up, I’ve spent it contained within my four walls. Summer days pass me by; this is the first time I heard the palm trees…