Some other force

When the gaps between the leaves cast their spotty light on your face I catch a glimpse of heaven. Or maybe something astronomical? Illogical? Magic? I can’t help but refrain from blinking as I’m tugged by a force that is not my own. I’m afraid…

I Never Believed In Magic

Poem 2 I never believed in magic Until I saw the way your eyes danced When he stood in front of you. Then I almost believed, For what else Could cause the mind to reel And the heart to pound And the lungs to break…

Munchkins Move

Look, little witch You can’t fuss with me If you wanted to These enchanted These is red bottoms These is Dorothy shoes I can’t hit em both I don’t wanna choose And I’m quick To drench a witch So don’t get comfortable I hate song…

Prompt #2 Magical Delusion

Forbidden sweetness tender ripeness supple and ample with a crackle and a zing. Fullness came forth  overflowing tenderness Fulfillment and satisfaction in abundance Control is the new norm in town and guess what? it is too cool for you. It’ll blow your hat off It’ll…

Hour two: Bodysong

I dig my fingertips down into the soil past the point of warmth in search of the dandelion’s root & I might as well be standing before a mirror running my palms along every fold and crevice that screams woman pinching my cellulite as if…

War Machine Blues, Hour 2

Oily sludge Drips from war machinery Lubricated by blood-seasoned crude We watch it on our TV In air-conditioned misery Wonder if there’s anything we can really do In a world where fame supercedes the art that makes us famous Where image misportrays the essence of…

(Hour 02) 11.30-12.30am. PROMPT, magic

a sort of sorcery born from the tiniest spark it can rip the chill from a room or consume entire forests birth dragons, electrify wands enchant dogs, illuminate the hidden draw stories from strangers mesmerise us till only embers crackle whisper roar    

Magic (hour 2)

She always loved witchcraft. She performed little acts of magic over her lifetime: making it rain (just a simple dance and chant), bringing a child back to life (nothing like Pet Sematary, sorry Stephen), turning a prince into a beast (much harder than it sounds,…

Their Seething Contentment

I wrote a novel about a couple who won the lottery. It may never sell, but my mind plays with the concept of winning and what that means everyday. It’s always at night that I think what a waste, what a cosmic joke could be…