
whether old and dear or to be discovered books are the magic of this world uncovered

Hour 2

If it has a dwelling place at all it is, as the song says, in young girls’ hearts in all hearts young and old and creaky and bruised and borrowed alike it’s the footnote of all the fairy tales We had it all along If…

When the Magic Doesn’t Work

Abracadabra!   Like some golden elixir Through my veins, Burning away the glitter, The pink speckled shrapnel, Where the tumor burst, Seeding my body with poison…   The audience gasps…   “And now, for my next trick,”   Wave the magic wand; Make the cancer…

Spider Widow

Spider Widow   How often I told you things All the time a running conversation Out loud even when apart We talked for twenty years, always   When the dog died we mourned For she was our stream of consciousness Wondering what she was doing…

Revelation from a Death Bed (prompt 1 hour 1)

Life is hard, the teacher said, wide eyes glistening with the effort of speech, Grasping each word Like pitons just out of reach As I listened to his final thoughts, sweeping images danced in my head a song of hope from the place of the…

Surface Life and Deeper: In Two Parts

There once was a sweet potato named Sam. In his best, most tuberous voice, He’d repeat the phrase of his choice, Reminding the world that he was someveggie of note: My name is Sam; I yam what I yam!   But somehow, through the soil…

Wonder Woman

I have stared death down and won. I have accomplished things they said I couldn’t. I have exceeded expectations of success. I have proven that limits are nothing more than guidelines, that aren’t rigid and are ment to be tested. I have done all of…


It does not exist because I believe in it, But I believe in it because it exits It’s all over the place, in everything you come across, In all you mesmerize, in every day of morning sun, In every colour of sunset, in every glance…

My Magic

Like a ship disappearing in the sea I get lost when he touches me We are not alike but afar If he is a sky I am just a star If I am a puzzle He is my key We solve each other Like riddles…

Queue Don Williams

Prompt 2, Hour 2 Write a poem about magic. Magic as something real, magic as something imagined, magic in a fictional setting, magic in an urban situation, it can be about how children perceive the world as magic, or possibly magic, anything really. The word…