Family (prompt 12, 8 pm)

Two cats, one dog, and me, family united in our shared space as one. Love, laughter, quiet times shared too. Better together for the good and bad days, they love me always. Family, glad.

to my love

you made me a flower press last month and you took me to the mountains summer sun warmed our faces fingers interlocking our love is in bloom petal-soft kiss our season always us


I am truly exhausted this year. I want to quit; not one more poem. Emotions are depleted. Words are without meaning. Still I write one last, nonet entry. Willpower propels me.

©️ Final (Half) Hour: 2021/12 – Image Prompt

  Blue flowers are fraught with the memories and grievings of nought A bittersweet cacophony of endings and beginnings, Simultaneously. In Friendships, Funerals and Weddings, you’ll see me. Forever crying; but never sure if from Regret or from Glee!


Your cells  Are an unfathomable abundance A legacy of lives  On branches so far reaching Their names are lost in history’s haze Yet, the map has not vanished It spans the centuries  On the spun silver helix  Twinning and twining  A ladder  The generations have…

the Breath within my breath

holding a breath after the exhale is to pause, and hold emptiness possibility and hope creating space for new no need to panic breathe in God’s love two now one inhale yes

I Cannot Believe

I can not believe I made it to the end. It was an interesting journey that took much prayer and meditation. The words may flow and the ideas may gather in one place. Even so, it’s a miracle I made it to the finish line…


Petals lovely in a delicate blue Fragile and few Leaning in, See the lines And the damage The imperfections unique Held too tightly She collapses Extinguished by force Her fragility Was transparent


Worship those idols you see on the screen Bow in their temples Feed on the sacrament Lap up their wine Drink it in Bathe in it I don’t care I’ll be over here And I’ll still be fine Singin another line… Dancing in the sweet…