Hour 9 – she

She may stab you with her sass. She may pierce through your heart With her thoughts and mind. One gaze and she can ornament Your soul with words that glitter; One word and she will slay Those words with her gaze! She has learnt how…

9) Fading

Fading dragging eyes shuttering body searching for pillow,couch, but all that’s within reach is pen, notebook and the computer screen So pushing through words on the page, on the screen, moths to the light raindrops to the window wind growling On we go word by…

Ten Tiny Fairies – Prompt #9 – kjKidder

Lethargic and drunk, the strange old man with bottle in hand, meandered across the field. Staring ahead as best he could, held onto his hat With vision zooming this way and that. There stood a cottage at the edge of the treeline, “Shelter from this…

Spectator Sport

Watching from our cottage of angst, and sipping from a bottle of beer, we discover the treeline is changing with the rising of the earth’s heat right before our eyes that even the denier’s cannot mask over. What to root for? Our dawdling, a kind…

Hour 9; Prompt 9: The Terror of Bottled Lightning

Firefly’s scared me when I was a kid Unless they were in a bottle I could mask my fear then, but barely Blood flowed like that second bowl, still My heart a zooming pace car I would suddenly feel lethargic And my legs trembled like…

Lava is (1/2 Marathon, Hour Nine)

Lava is Boiling in my spirit under my skin I am hot to the touch Fissures burst from me sporadically Steam rising off of me at all times I do not know when I will erupt One more wrong word One last questioning of my…

City Cottage

sweltering summer heat we sink into midday lethargy that strange sensation wanting to move yet completely unable puddling into a fleshy porridge mask our efforts under the paltry breeze of folded newspapers fanning fanning fanning until the first firefly rises promising a show for our…

An Inclusion and SeclusionTale

Taking the heat for not wearing a face mask, for not saving time in a bottle, for problems transmitting Zoom to teens, using the virtual classroom model, for sinking into the depths of a quarantine-induced, stay-at-home-lethargy, for longing for once upon a time (three months…