Dear Me (Prompt 14, Hour 11)

Look around at who is with you, Worry less about those who are not there. Your tribe may be different than you thought, But they are the ones who care.   Stop being a porcupine, using your quills to keep people away, Changing is important,…

Skyline [10 – #selectedwords]

We climbed slowly so slowly through the hushed fog of morning, through dripping fir and cedar so silent we could hear birds crying,wheeling distantly overhead. Kulshan’s peak towered in the unseen distance, touched only by moonbeams, far–but not far enough–from the city’s concrete and noise….

Jesus at the Hard Rock Cafe

Hot Day Hard Rock Cafe Jesus is trying to find someone to grind. He’s very pale, wearing red shorts. In the pool he’s trying water sports. In the corner girls are twerking. I wonder how his salvation is working. He’s rather dry and orders a…


I love to eat my thelery In the thenter of my houth But thertainly not with peanutbutter That thtickth it to my mouth  


She let the sway of the workday move her as people all around dictated where she went, what she did there, and for how long. She followed the crowd of “friends” to a bar in which she had no interest, and made small talk while…

ELEVEN (acrostic)

Parents should know better. About who they leave their children with. Perhaps they didn’t even care? Answers would be nice Regret, if truthful, would be appreciated. Acknowledgement might even help. Praying it would end. Everything so twisted. Dying inside. My mother knew he did it…

Temper, Temper, Temper

I am the kind if girlfriend who learns your Buttons I know when it is okay to have some fun and push them. I know when you’re not in the mood to play and this best to keep my button pushing at bay. Tonight, I’m…

Hour 11

friends my friends are godsent heaven made full of stardust and sunlight truly otherworldly their strength is better than the best wifi connection their love is warmer than an overheated iphone this support stronger than the u.s. backing israel my friends are earth shakers home…


A spoonful of foggy dreams from a shelf made of fir Pour into your cup of coffee ‘Twill make you come alive And do not forget to add a sliver of moonbeam Now, you can handle anything Concrete or unseen


SCREWED!   Damn coffee is thick as concrete Wish I had grabbed my canteen off of the shelf A little extra kick it holds would help break this fog I am in.   Writing from the edge of the dock seemed poetic at the time…