Poem #17 (Loss of me j.r.m©)

You’re on video call seeing you sleep  like a child gives my heart assurance. …and even though your body is giving way your blooming heart carries you forward. Your burst of enthusiasm, your zeal, your passion is something I have always  wanted to emulate into…


Poem 6 karma Crowded in Stealing my space Hurting my sanity Annoying my comfort They know But they do not know That I know Karma rides with me, first class not coach  

Interview with a Marshmallow

What are marshmallows? Do you know? Does anyone know? Who makes them? Do the people who make them know? Sugar and water and some shit. But what else? What is that some shit? We wanted to learn more, So, we met with a pack of…

table for two

before he took the cup filled with wine he took the bread he blessed bread he broke bread and he shared bread saying “take and eat” and “remember”; both loaves, at this table for two one table, two loaves of bread

Painful Release #13

As the days pass by I think of you and sigh The pain you feel is profound There you are on the ground You may not want to believe But I’m not one to deceive Your silent cries are heard Without ever uttering a word…

Spiritual Advisor

Ancient medicine Healing herbs Sunshine Secrets passed from generation to generation Hands tending to Gardens Drawing woven in with good intentions A prayer to deities Magical decoctions infusions of the mystical and powerful and the natural Herbs Blended with a natural know how Tea Awakening

She was

Poem 5 She was She made it home Despite the brewing storm A smile in the middle of the madness A drink of water In the barren sands of the Sahara She was more than she knew So much more than she believed Looking back…

After the Rain

Poem 4 After the rain The sun does come out after all It peeps from behind fluffy balls of cotton It waits, it lingers And I wonder does it frown or smile? Silly mortals perhaps it contends Just as it smoothly edges out Stretching its…


I see gold and silver Emerging at the temples. Jewels of wisdom Or melanin wearing off. The exuberance of youth Paying homage as it leaves. Bowing away gracefully Placing jewels as she recedes. Loss…not really. Achieving accomplishing Acquiring … Not lost …but gaining.

A Poem About Loss

Who would have thought that we’d have this day (after all the time we’ve squandered and lost) as stage 4 slowly takes you away in each of your belongings that i rummage through, its that one thing that seems brand new photo albums long come…