Misplacer’s Blues

Oh no! It’s gone! Quick, search in the cupboard, under the stairs, peek in the fridge; it may be there! Dig through your purse, pull out your pockets, silently vow you’ll hoard less of all the wrappers of gum, oh! There’s that skirt from 2001,…

Hour 12: 100 words

  Angels singing in the breeze, Bubblegum flavored cotton candy , Candles made from drippings, Dog moons are eclipsing. Elves in the foxglove, Gloves on a horse Hay sold in inches Inchworms are jumping on Jimmy Of course. Japanese koi are obviously kicking Kid goats…

Watch the Door

I used to miss him, then I corrected my aim. I used to love him, but he lost that game. I used to want him, but now that he’s gone I am happier without than with him. I lost the one I thought I would…

Prompt#15, Shiva tandav

He was phallus incarnate rage and passion both carnal and sedate his dance was of great rigour but steeped in dew and ardour no sarcasm, no guile no details of cunning kind only the pure blue feelings stuck in his throat he danced for days…

Crazy ex

You left your T-shirt here I found a random strand of your hair last night Every part of my house has a random reminder of you in it I miss you and not in that creepy way that psycho Exes who only dated you for…

The mystery of a frog in my jar

August monsoon rain.flooding my garden, that stormy evening and I heard a loud cry of frogs in a festive mood of lovemaking In a pool of water cascading towards  a small stream. My raincoats and boots are dripping, when I tried to check my garden…


“When women were birds, we knew otherwise. We knew our greatest freedom was in taking flight at night, when we could steal the heavenly darkness for ourselves, navigating through the intelligence of stars and the constellations of our own making in the delight and terror…

Hour 16:The Way of Lao Tzu

I am to you the teacher of the way.   The beguiler of truth. See how beauty falls from grace. There is always a profound mystery to be solved— An unfound truth to be obtained. Follow me into the West. I ride backward on the…


Walking my path is tricky It’s not straight nor is it smooth Lots of bumps and curves Adventures and lessons to be learned and endured

Hour Sixteen

Have you stopped to look closely at the rolled-out insides of a crushed squirrel? I did the other day. They were pale red, a mess, mundane. I would have lingered longer, but for my companion. She was impatient for lunch.