Prompt for Hour Five “Mystery”

Where did I go? What did I see? there’s no name for this place no way to return the road just dead ends in a cul de sac of regret and now who is that approaching and leaving by the same door? a lost glove,…

Life in year 72

Life has been mostly good berries growing wild and free to all who took the time to pick them. My childhood home had them at the end of our dead-end street, just a short bike ride or childish adventure away. The first home of married…

Gravity Hour #5 9/2/2023

If Einstein is right, then the Earth rises up to catch us because we live in a curved spacetime.   And I also know that it is no small matter that legs are my lineage

Candy Terrorists, Hour Five

Candy Terrorists The sheriff’s car pulled up on the side of the road, lights flashing and siren wailing, beneath the railroad overpass. Spiced gumdrop candies lined the road, evenly spaced from each other in a ten foot by ten foot square. Two small hooded figures…

From The Sidelines

HOUR 5 (this is my own prompt based on my years working in nursing homes and then having my surgery and dealing with having to be waited on and all that comes with a slow recovery.  My family and care giving teams were, and still…

Hour/Prompt 3

I don’t know what happened but I am down a red brick well My school had a fountain the center, a quad called Red Square because of the red bricks or because of the Red scare (we were libs at the time and they were…

Conundrums (Prompt 5)

The grandparents I never met parents of the father I loved secretive though he was about them, him and them Grandma and grandpa died before I came along never even met my mother rarely were spoken of Mentioned only essentially names, dates – never more…

Iced Water

Have a seat What would you like? Iced water? Iced tea? Ice cream? Do you have hot chocolate It is warmth I seek

Misplaced or Stolen

my cousin, Ingrid, is so careless with her important jewelry if her diamond earrings irritate her ears while she’s out she’ll take them off and simply throw them in her handbag. one time she called to say she lost her diamond bracelet it wasn’t in…

Hour #5: Sinister, Shady, Signs of Malice

Early afternoon lines formed in front of the corner bodega as construction workers, letter carriers, and business owners came for street tacos and massive coolers of sweet tea, soda, horchata — absolutely anything to break the heat and haze of this late summer day.  …

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