Editor Applications and Art Submissions Now Open

Editing Position We’re able to pay this year’s editor of the anthology $600 USD, after securing a generous private donation, as well as contributing to it ourselves. The Poetry Marathon Anthology is may writers’ first publication, and others’ hundredth, but it is always a clear…

The Poetry Marathon Schedule of Events

The main 2021 Poetry Marathon Schedule of Events is now finalized. From the 12th to the 23rd of April we will be open to editor applications and cover art submissions. June 1st through the 19th we will be open for registration, and on June 26th…

The Poetry Marathon Anthology is Now Available

The 2020 Poetry Marathon is now available for purchase. In the US and Canada you can purchase it through Aer. Internationally you can find a copy through Amazon. You can see the Amazon UK listing here. The Amazon India link is here. Thank you to…

T-Shirts 2020

Thanks to popular demand and much encouragement there are two t-shirts this year for the full and half marathon. They are both available in three colours. The fabric is the same as before, which means it’s soft and very cozy. The T-Shirts are only available…

Submit to the 2020 Poetry Marathon Anthology

Submissions to the 2020 Poetry Marathon Anthology are open now and will stay open through the 25th of July! We our pleased to announce that our editor this year is Shloka Shankar. Shloka is a freelance writer, poet, editor, publisher, visual artist, and surface pattern…

Prompt #6 Empty (2014 prompt)

Prompt for Hour Six Use the following image to inspire your next poem. Take me to a place in time where I was a different person. I don’t recognize myself in the mirror it’s been way too long since I have felt comfortable in my…

Prompt #3 Love (My own random prompt)

To Love someone dearer than your life is a beautiful but reckless feeling. To trust your heart in the hands of your lover, you surrender to the eventual consequence of its demise or the birth of something beautiful. Either way, you have to walk on fire…

I Survived the Poetry Marathon.

The following images are part of the Poetry Marathon Tradition. They are for you to do with what you want, but they are often used as a way to celebrate your success. The official list of everyone who completed the half marathon and the full…

Congratulations Poetry Marathoners

You did it! Congratulations! I am very impressed! You wrote 24 poems in 24 hours. This is an achievement that few poets ever accomplish. Although, if you are a returning marathoner, some of you might be accomplishing it for the second or third time or…

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