hour eighteen

the eyes watching me from behind the grass the best green eyes looking at me holding my view for more seconds than my true love the gracefulness of this miniature feline stray cat

hour seventeen

at the end of August you were leaving the empty space left in my heart the empty benches before the lake never the same without seeing floating by white swans

hour sixteen

waterlilies floating over the sun your image over the lens of his telescope blurring the starry night I would like to be once more floating in his arms waterlilies floating over the sun

hour fifteen

heartbeat the blood pressure very faint dropping with every degree more from the heatwave July afternoon

the diner

the girl child wakes first vegetarian she’ll need her own lunch also gluten-free she reminds you the importance of buying cage-free eggs you remind her that all her frees really don’t come free   the oldest boy child wakes next and beats the girl child…

#22 – Blue Star (The Night is for Sleeping)

blue stars dance with god and kin helping people believe, on the morrow, it may begin They live the night in the scarlet of his morn and progress through the years forgetting to be born How silly sounding we mortals be as we offer wants…

The Night is for Sleeping

The night is for releasing Our day’s stress as we breathe The night is for snuggling Together, limbs entwined The night is for sleeping Under darkened skies.  

The Night Is For Sleeping

Dearest Poets, The Night Is For Sleeping. Not writing, or dreaming, or thinking. The night is not for wild-eyed dreamers whose thoughts wreck havoc. The Night is For Star-crossed lovers who take their lives or for those who are faint of heart The Night is Not for…

The Night is for Sleeping

Parties, scheming, out right creeping None of those things The night is for sleeping Get up early to maximize your day Turn in early Make your stress go away