Hour 17 prompt

EDUCATION Transfer of knowledge happens even in birds and bees Mother bird teaches the child how to fly from the trees The lion teaches the cub how to hunt Even pigs teach their piglets how to grunt Knowledge sharing is known as education This happens…

Hour 16 prompt

FREEDOM A few months ago, the thought never came, That a new virus would come, and life would never be the same! A few months ago, the thought never came, That even going out of the house would never be the same. A few months…

Storm – Hour Nineteen

Storm Salty air blows around in circles The breeze picks up seaweed from sand The current reacts to the gusts By crashing to the shore Seafoam swirls the rocks Shells dig in deep Safe from harm Black clouds Storm

Hour 15 prompt

WOMAN A woman is an angel on earth Shamefully only a very few know her worth Every woman is a combination of beauty and brains She can bravely walk through any pain Every woman is unique in her skills And she can master any work…

Hour Nineteen – Of Scottish Summers

Hour Nineteen – Text prompt Write a poem describing your surroundings as inarticulately as possible but maintaining just a tiny bit of the truth.   Of Scottish Summers If you live in Glasgow and look out of the window, You’d see all that is to…


I don’t know what I am (redacted word) some comic (redacted word) this is Playing with words for some (redacted word) Unbidden, unseen, unknown. I am (redacted word).

Hour 14 prompt

TIME A stitch in time, saves nine Alas time can never be a slave of mine A low battery can pretend to slow down time But, even the theorems of Einstein can never stop time. Make sure to spend time with your friend, You never…

Hour 13 prompt

SHOW THE EARTH THAT WE CARE The Earth is clean and green But humans are selfish and mean The flora, fauna, water and tree Are all provided to us for free. Even though we have all live on Earth Only a few know it’s worth…

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