poem #2: Sun

The ending of the night. Bids the healing of wounds to be much more furious in the day. the sun is not bidding us pleasure. But heat. fire. a departure.

#2 blindness (poetry marathon)

the air was crispthere were shadows otherwise all was dark. Walking, more like a stroll strolling…. eyes like rocks so heavy, unable to open. A streak of light answered, ” good morning!” WHOA! To be honest….is it morning or is it night? The light has…

To Night

To call this work, To tease my doubt, To channel thought, To call on art, To leave safe port, To return home, To forge my body to my mind. To twist my fingers into shape, To open handed question fate, To cut myself and cut…

A Kiss Is Like A Cuckoo Clock (10:00 AM)

A kiss is like a cuckoo clock counting down the hours. A sound to resonate and remind the living and the liars.   Of all their promises to keep and places you should be. Lies that you should never tell despite your fears decree.  …

Windows Down

Widows Down   The summer air is full The warm fresh smell of grass As it shoots from the mower   Honeysuckle reaching for the sun Sending the light sweetness Beckoning the bees for the feasting   The whiff of chlorine as I pass the…

Glowing Effects

Glistening fire-flies Whispering desire cries Listening defines Order Creating or Carving “The bounce within” Sorting Life Eyes bind White Kindness Cries Oh My Why? Here I am inside a line And I fly Gliding dice “Cries” I fly Nothing- dies Alive Eyes

After Hours

Fragrant honeysuckle wakens my senses. I am first to say, good morning, when the bees come out. Industrious creatures, their very existence at stake, and at the whim of a chemical god. Be honest, you only thought in lusty kisses. I was your sparkly beauty,…

Newly Vested

In the calling of saints may the bells ring high and the vests worn with pride the light shines bright ~.%    

Going Under (prompt 1)

I lay flat, waiting for others to notice me. Growing up, my fluffy pillows were the only thing constant by my side. I always felt invisible. I would rest my head in dreams of tomorrow. In those dreams I always saw my self alone. Years before,…