Alone Unprotected In a silent world, Calling- For- Life Government shines People decline Life- line Resigns Guides -Pines Into the dark grinds Of movement Power defines Oneness Within
Category: Uncategorized
Day is begun
Sky is grey Heart is full Day is begun Night is furled Crows now call Day is young Songs are song
The layers edged with a sharp hook, responsibility was granted, it was not up to him or them, but Me, it was up to me, regardless of the weight, pathetic on the timing, irrelavent to decoding. I grabbed the tip and it impressed upon my…
Time to start Time it was writ Praying that the pen won’t quit
Your Words
Punched in the face Kicked in the stomach down, bleeding, helpless, …Your Words
Introduction of a new-be
Good morning everyone, This new adventure will, I’m sure, stretch me way out of my comfort zone and who knows (I surely do not know) how this challenge will alter me or not. I opened to this possibility on a whim and although I am…
Fucking shit
It’s 8:41am and I am holding someone else s baby in my arms. And I’m out of cigarettes. My wife and I sleep in the same room her mom died in. Who died of lung cancer, from smoking. And all i can think about is inhaling…
Just logged in.
To be fair I was hungover but better late than never ; )
getting ready
When asked to introduce myself… I did. Here I am. Anglo- Irish, and proud of it. Crap at music, but hears the rhythm of words. Weird that! I write fast so I’m looking forward to the challenge. Hope I can finish it with at least…
testadiddilytestypoo Can anyone see me?