A List Like Any Other

A list like any other Would include purple socks Red pepper hummus A flat-head screwdriver And coffee beans from exotic sounding places   A list like any other Would include step by step instructions To a recipe that still needs A couple extra cloves of…

Urbane of my existence

Neighborhood hangouts used to be taverns, Legion Halls blue-collar guys perched on vinyl-slick swivel stools Community nowadays revolves around coffee shops, breweries a distillery that serves lavish concoctions Everything sounds the same every space a twist on mod, industrial décor galvanized steel with overtones of…

The Archivist

Some may think of memories Only covered in dust with Pages fading into opaque forgetting   But memory doesn’t have to work like that And if our honesty Does not blur and fade   We find our memory In shards of talk In whispers and…

Musing back

Morris is a young man, looks older genetics rendering high, sparse hairline politics, poverty of shtetl life added years emigration degradation, new country old life, old ways transitioning to…? “Ikh vunder, vos vet vern fun aundzer zin? zeyere zin?” he muses aloud Fannie, his wife,…

Melodious melancholy

One of the things I can truly say brings me earned regret is my lack of musical ability A great-aunt who taught piano offered me free lessons I passed, parents didn’t push An old soul, junior high me discovered Big Band music bought Glenn Miller…

The Darkest Evening of the Year (Hour 2)

“The darkest evening of the year” -Robert Frost, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening the first time you hold his neck he tells you that it is a palace only a queen enters you tell him you are his queen then he shows you…

Ode to Robert

Enamored of the woods long before I came to know, love Robert Frost As a boy I knew contemplative pull of woods ‘lovely, dark and deep’ I had trod same, worn paths in summer not until I was well an adult did I discover The…


Some of my earliest, tangible memories involve falling asleep waking up to the sound of water waves lapping at the shore of Horseshoe Lake My grandparents retired there when I was seven my summer bedroom every year sixty-feet from scraggly beach waves gently slapping sand…

Testing, 1, 2,3

making sure I remember how to post, if you can see this, please drop a howdy or something back at me! 😀

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