I possess no answers
I carry only questions,
but not near many enough,
nor, any that are too close to the truth.
I will not lead
I am not a leader,
but I will walk a certain path
and you may choose
to turn right or left,
or, you may stay where you are,
or, come along with me.
However, returning is never an option.
We will talk along the way,
sharing ourselves,
or, those things that we can,
or, that we allow ourselves
Sometimes the truth
Sometimes not
Sometimes it won’t really matter,
it may be what we wish were true,
which is nearly the same
Others may join us.
Many. Though most, will not
Some of those may despise us,
or, wear the green shrouds of envy,
and we all will depart
before we understand why.
I will follow you, for a way, if you wish
If you understand life’s aloneness
and the need for each to find their way.
We swirl about in chaos,
thinking there is a way unknown to us
You know your direction
and I know my path leads somewhere else